This video tutorial supposes Docker already installed, and shows how to create two containers, one for MySql, one for Drupal 8, link both and configure the Drupal 8 install.
To install Docker, follow the instructions written here: https://www.docker.com/community-edition
Here are the commands typed in the movie:
Here is the docker command to launch a MySQL 5.7 container, name it "drupaltutorialmysql", set a few environment variables, expose the MySQL port 3306 as 3308 on the local host and daemonise it:
docker run \
--name drupaltutorialmysql \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=drupalTutorial \
-e MYSQL_USER=DrupalWebSite \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=DrupalDemoPass \
-p 3308:3306 \
-d \
Here is the docker command to launch Drupal 8 in a "drupaltutorial" container, link it to the previous container's MySQL port, expose it's web port 80 as 8010 on the local host and daemonise it:
docker run \
--name drupaltutorial \
--link drupaltutorialmysql:mysql \
-p 8010:80 \
-d \
To run a Drupal 7 instance instead, just replace drupal:8 with drupal:7
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